React Context: a Simple, Single File Example

Colin McNamara
4 min readNov 11, 2020
Photo by Emile Perron on Unsplash

I don’t want to lose too much time explaining the concept of Context; there are simply too many great explanations of it out there like here, here, here, here, here, and here. But I can’t just throw some code at you so here we go: Context allows you to access data anywhere and avoid excessive prop drilling in your app. The React docs do a great job summarizing the concept:

Context is designed to share data that can be considered “global” for a tree of React components, such as the current authenticated user, theme, or preferred language.

It should not be used as a substitute for Redux but rather, as the quote above suggests, as a way to distribute certain items like a user or theme to your components at varying levels of your React Component tree. The example below shows Context all in one file so “SingleFile” is a better name than “SinglePage” but whatever. The point is that everything is in one file so that you can see what’s happening despite the fact that you’d never really do it this way.

Another tricky part about this example is that you are kind of working backwards in the code. After you create the context, you need to jump down to the SinglePage component and then work your way up. I’ll show all the code first and then explain it.

One of the first steps is creating the Context. Again, this would normally be in it’s own file but it’s pretty straightforward. As per the docs, you can create a Context object with a default value but you actually don’t need one. In this example I used one:

Now we’ll jump down to the bottom to see the SinglePage component and get a better look at that:

In this component, we’re using the useContext() hook. You can import it at the top of the file like I did:

import React, { createContext, useContext } from 'react';

or do:


Which ever you use, we have to use our MyContext variable. If we had MyContext in a separate file, we’d have to import it. Now that we have the value in our text variable, we can use it in our component.

This example was very simple because we used the useContext() hook AND we are simply displaying a string whose value does NOT change. For the Child component, it’s a little more complicated:

Again, first thing to note is that if this was a separate file, we’d have to import our Context object. That’s one big take-away from all this: you must import your Context into every component / file you use it in. It doesn’t just live everywhere.

The first component used the useContext() hook which makes things very easy. The Child and GrandChild components are going to use the Provider and Consumer components. It’s a little extra code but it more clearly separates the “giver” or “provider” of data and the “receiver” or “consumer” of it. For this component, I’m passing down a value as a prop that we’ll push right into the Provider. That is just to make the example consistent…in this Child component, I’m using Context differently so it’s almost like a completely different example despite using the same Context object.

Just to introduce the concept, here is the new pattern without using hooks:

The non-hook format has a Consumer and a Provider. You wrap the component that you want to “receive” the context value in the Provider. And then, in the component that uses the data, you use the Consumer. One important thing to notice with the Consumer is that you are returning a function. So you can’t put other components inside the <ExampleContext.Consumer> tags. Here is some code that will break our app if we used it instead (try it out!):

Inside the <MyContext.Consumer> tags is a Fragment that holds my content. This code breaks it. We can’t have anything else in there besides a function.

As we can see in our Child component, we’ve wrapped our content in our Provider tag which includes a div and our GrandChild component. In the GrandChild component, we’ll see the Consumer in action:

Like mentioned above several times, if this was not one file, we’d have to import our MyContext object. Notice how the GrandChild component is the Consumer so it has <MyContext.Consumer> and then inside is just a function that returns our content (to learn more about that piece, see the docs). In our example above, the context variable is whatever value we put in the:

MyContext.Provider value={value}

from the Child component. In this example, we are just displaying the string “My Context!!”.

And there we have it: React Context. This is a very basic example showing how to use context as both a hook and the Provider-Consumer pattern.

To see the working code for this, check out the repo. Thanks for reading.

